AES 256 IP on Xilinx App Store

The Xilinx App Store makes it easy for one to evaluate, purchase, and deploy accelerated applications using cloud-based services or on-premises PC systems as per requirements. It offers a powerful platform to host, market, and sell one’s solutions using a managed, easy-to-use, secure Digital Rights Management (DRM) infrastructure. The Xilinx app store is developed by Xilinx and its platform partners and provides pre-built, containerized software that can be easily assessed, bought, and deployed on edge or on the cloud.
The Xilinx App Store provides a powerful platform for hosting, marketing, and distribution of your solutions leveraging a managed, convenient and stable DRM architecture to help multinational consumers accessing their Cloud and/or on-site technologies.

Features of Xilinx App Store:

  • Global access and Free trial.
  • Secure and Easy Checkout.
  • Deployment Options.
  • Easy & Portable.

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