Turbo Product Code [TPC]

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Turbo Product Code [TPC]

The BCH based TPC decoder is used for Forward Error Correction (FEC) in systems where transmitted data is subjected to errors before reception, e.g., communications systems.

  • Fully synchronous design using a single clock
  • Code block length variable from 31*31 to 127*127 symbols
  • Block length can be changed at compile time
  • Block length can be changed at compile time
  • No of check symbols can be varied block by block in run time
  • Error correcting capability (t) can be changed at runtime with condition t ≤ 2
  • Automatically configured by user-entered parameters
  • Provides clock enable support at input and output
  • Easy-to-use interface with handshaking signals
  • Supports all FPGA devices
  • Maximum synthesis frequency is 200MHz
  • Configurable soft input bit width with options of 4 and 5 bits
  • Run time configurable error correcting capability.
  • Generates decoding failure in case of uncorrectable errors with option of CRC
  • Support for Extended BCH based TPC

IP Data Fact Sheet


Resources Utilization
@ P=5

@ 120 MHz


Provided with IP

DocumentsProduct Specification
Design FilesRTL
Test BenchProvided
Octave ModelProvided
Simulation ModelVHDL

Design Tools

SimulationModelSim SE 10.1c
Synthesis ToolXilinx ISE 14.2
Provided by Logic Fruit Technologies

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